Student Health and Wellness services available to all UVA Visiting Graduate Researchers include:
- Professional visits
- MD, NP, RN, RD, PhD, MSW
- Psychological assessment/evaluation
- Counseling
- One-on-one
- Group
- Couples
- Psychiatric treatment
- Consultation/evaluation for academic difficulties
- Comprehensive disability access services
- Family planning
- Same-day observation
- Travel clinic
- Management of chronic disease
- Allergy immunotherapy visits
- Outpatient eating disorder management
- 24 hr triage, on-call
- Health promotion programs
- Monitoring health and disease trends
- Consultation to parents/families/friends
- Coordination of referral services and hospital transfers
VGRs who incur charges at Student Health will have their charges placed on their bursar account. These students may print a walk-out statement and file that to their insurance company.
Specific questions about available services should be presented to UVA Student Health and Wellness, 434-924-5362.