Sponsored by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, the purpose of these awards is to stimulate preliminary dissertation research for students who are at or near the dissertation proposal stage.
These grants (of up to $6000) fund research travel to archives, museums, collections, and/or field sites that will enable the student to determine the feasibility of prospective dissertation projects, survey available sources, clarify the research focus, and enhance opportunities to garner support from external funding agencies for the advanced stage of research and writing.
Awards will be announced by Monday, April 7. Students who plan to travel internationally will be required to demonstrate that their travel has been approved by the International Studies Office prior to the disbursement of funds. Please see here for more information.
Applicants must be Ph.D. students in an arts, humanities, or social sciences field who are no more than three years into their course of study.
Monday March 3, 2025
Application Materials
Applications must be submitted through the Academic Works portal located here. In addition to the questions provided below, students must also obtain a reference from their primary advisor/ dissertation supervisor. References will be prompted to complete an online form (or submit a letter) via Academic Works once their names and contacts are entered into the portal. Students should therefore initiate this request as soon as possible.
- Former Sources of Support (up to 150 words): Please list any sources of support that you have already received for this research, including: Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Summer Research Awards; Dumas Malone Graduate Research Fellowship; Albert Gallatin Research Fellowship; or other internal or external awards. If applicable, please indicate the dates and amounts received from these programs.
- Background and Project Description (up to 500 words): Please describe your project for a non-specialist audience. What is the motivation for this work? What are the specific activities proposed? How will the specific project advance your progress toward a larger dissertation project and degree completion?
- Timeline (up to 250 words): Please provide a clear timeline for your project proposal and indicate how these activities articulate with your degree-related milestones. Why is this summer an opportune time for the completion of this research? As a reminder, AHSS funds may only be used for projects completed during the summer. Fellowship support for academic year research may be available through the Dumas Malone and Albert Gallatin Fellowship programs.
- Preparation and Feasibility (up to 250 words): What preparation is necessary to complete this work? What steps have already been taken and what remains? Applicants should address language training; necessary permissions from local officials; safety and security, etc. How have you determined that the proposed work can be completed within the timeframe defined and with the resources requested?
- Additional Sources of Support (150 words): Please provide a list all other awards, including amounts, that you have applied for that would provide funds for the same time period and for the same research proposal.
- Please upload a budget that itemizes travel and research costs based on recent investigation into the actual prices of airline tickets, lodging and living support (while the University’s travel rate guide may be helpful for planning purposes, more economical options are encouraged where possible). Budgets may not exceed $6000. Request that exceed this amount will not be considered.
- Please upload a current curriculum vitae.
Note: While the University’s travel rate guide may be helpful for planning purposes, students are encouraged to investigate least expensive options for travel and living support.
For questions, please contact the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs at ogpafellowships@virginia.edu.