The University of Virginia Graduate and Professional Council is the student governing body for all UVA graduate and professional schools. Representatives from each graduate school meet monthly to discuss needs, concerns, and solutions for our graduate and professional students. Our body has a Chair (elected by the GPC body) as well as Vice Chairs of Communication, Social, Community Engagement, and Mental Health Initiative (appointed by the Chair). We are sponsored by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
Our current initiatives include Mental Health (requesting school-specific mental health counselors for each graduate school), Childcare (advocating for material support for graduate students who are parents or caregivers), and Social (fostering connection between graduate programs by planning social events and graduate student-wide interest groups).
Group contact: Dante Mazzanti, MazzantiD25@darden.virginia.edu
Resource List
UVA Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Online Complaint Form (non-confidential resource)
University Ombuds (confidential resource)
UVA Community Food Pantry
Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center
UVA Police Department
UVA Just Report It (platform for reporting discrimination, violence, harassment, etc.)
Full list of confidential resources
After hours (24/7) Resources: https://www.studenthealth.virginia.edu/afterhours
- Emergency: 911
- Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
- Student Health Urgent Medical Issues: (434) 297-4261
- Student Health Urgent Mental Health Issues: (434) 243-5150
- Crisis Management and Incident Response (non-medical/mental health concern): (434) 924-7166 and ask to speak to the Dean on Call.
Timely Care: https://www.studenthealth.virginia.edu/mental-health/our-services/timelycare
- Telemedicine portal partnering with UVA CAPS to provide virtual mental health care at no cost. Services include a 24/7 on-demand mental health professional, scheduled counseling, psychiatry, and group meditation/yoga.
- Looking for a private, quiet space to engage with your TimelyCare telehealth provider? CAPS has telehealth offices available for students! Call (434) 243-5150 to book.