Postdoc Symposium Preparation Series 3: How to Design an Engaging Presentation or Lightning Talk

Event Date
Zoom (Register for link)
How to Design an Engaging Presentation or Lightning Talk | April 10, 3:00-4:30 pm (virtual)  The UVA Postdoc Symposium provides postdocs from all disciplines an opportunity to effectively explain their research to a non-specialist audience in either a standard 10-minute research presentation or a 5-minute Lightning Talk.  This 1.5-hour virtual workshop will highlight ways you can intrigue your audience by presenting your research in a way that is both understandable and memorable. Members of the PhD Plus team will share tips on how to design your talk to complement your presentation style—enabling you to deliver a polished and professional research presentation. You’ll also get tips and tools to overcome common presentation fears and foibles.   Do you want to showcase your research to an interdisciplinary audience or compete for prizes? In the Lightning Talk competition, your goal is to intrigue your audience and explain your research in a way that is both understandable and memorable. This is challenging for many reasons, and in this workshop, you’ll learn how to use your 5 minutes to do all this and more.  Interested Postdocs can REGISTER HERE   
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